Sharpness is a bourgeois concept at a wedding

Sharpness Is A Bourgeois Concept

The great photographer Henri Cartier Bresson is quoted many times, but ‘Sharpness is a Bourgeois Concept’ is one of my favourites. One of the attributes of a good photojournalist, whether they shoot weddings or news, is the ability to anticipate where and when interesting photographs are likely to be possible. You can never know for…

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Prussia Cove Wedding Photography speeches

Prussia Cove Fireworks

Although part of being a wedding photojournalist is about blending in and working unobtrusively amongst the guests, sometimes its nice to take a step back and try to capture a sense of the atmosphere of the day. When I was booked for this Prussia Cove wedding photography, it’s because my clients like the style of photography they…

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