I’m delighted to have had two more images awarded in the latest WPJA contest. The WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association) is an American based International organisation that concentrates on non-staged, un-posed, real, story-telling images. Exactly what my photography is about, which is why it means so much to me!
The one above is from Katie and Simon’s wedding at The Bell in Ticehurst – a beautifully eccentric English pub in East Sussex. Here’s what the judges said about this photo:
“Wedding days contain so much emotion and so many characters…there are infinite opportunities to make images that capture the feeling of the day. What it takes is a skilled eye for framing, an anticipation of what may come, and the forethought to be in the right place at the right time. This image has it all.”
The second image to win an award is this one below from Iain and Kristy’s Barn Wedding at Rivervale Barn in Hampshire. It’s got to be one of my all time favourite pictures from the meal. Here’s some more Rivervale Barn wedding photography.
It’s shot from a balcony at the barn, on a 135mm lens. I wanted to compress the perspective a little and include the ‘Just Married’ banner along with some of the wedding guests in the foreground. I lined the shot up just as the venue staff were pouring the wine. I took 4 or 5 frames as the couple leaned in for a kiss, just as one of the waitresses walked past. The precise moment of the kiss is obscured by the waitress, but I think this moment before they actually kiss is a stronger image.
Here’s what the judges said about this photo:
“Another example of great seeing by the photographer. Each little fraction of the photo has its own energy and story, with the bride and groom in the middle caught at the perfect moment. Love this photo.”
If you’re planning your wedding and appreciate these kind on natural, un-posed photos, fill in this form to check your date now.